Shareholders may receive communications , by mail or email, regarding shareholder meetings or pending proxy votes. You may also receive a proxy statement, which describes the issues to be voted on during shareholder meetings. Shareholders may vote on a variety of issues including the election of board members, merger or acquisition approvals, or approving a stock compensation plan.
If you received a proxy voting email/letter from SoFi and/or another firm, you will be given a separate control number to vote with those shares held with the other firm. This means that you will submit your proxy vote for your shares held with SoFi, then submit another proxy vote for your shares held with the other firm.
Possible reasons you did not receive the email:
Email was sent directly to your spam/junk folder
Email address was updated with SoFi, but not with Apex
Your account is not enrolled in e-delivery with Apex
You were not a shareholder on record and not eligible to vote
Shares were recently transferred in to SoFi from another firm
If you need to check your email address and delivery preference with Apex, please chat with an Investment Specialist.