Please follow the steps below to enter your 1099-C in TurboTax Online:
- Go to Federal Taxes
- Next go to Wages & Income
- Then scroll down to Less Common Income
- Click on the Start/Revisit button next to Miscellaneous Income, 1099-A, 1099-C
- Click on the Start/Revisit button next to Cancellation of debt (Form 1099-C) or the abandonment and/or acquisition of secured property (1099-A)
Please follow the steps below to enter your 1099-C in the TurboTax CD/Download software:
- Go to Federal Taxes (Personal in Home & Business)
- Next go to Wages & Income or Personal Income (whichever is applicable).
- Scroll down to Less Common Income section
- Click on the Start/Revisit button next to Miscellaneous Income, 1099-A, 1099-C
Click on the Start/Revisit button next to Cancellation of debt (Form 1099-C).
You can find any tax documents you qualify for in your Document Center.