Once your Private Student Loan has been approved and the final disbursement has occurred, if MOHELA is your servicer, you can set up and/or adjust autopay via your online profile at www.sofi.MOHELA.com.
More Information: There is no payment due until the loan is fully disbursed. Once the loan is fully disbursed, you can sign up for autopay.
To set up autopay with MOHELA, please follow these simple steps:
- Go to www.sofi.MOHELA.com and Log in to your account
- From the Payment Tools drop-down, select Auto Pay.
- On the Autopay Information screen, click Enroll Now.
- Read and E-sign the Disclosure and Consent form. Select the box and click Continue.
- Modify Member information if necessary by selecting Modify Profile.
- Enter bank information, complete all fields, and click Continue.
- Agree to terms, enter your name, your sofi.mohela.com password, and click Continue.
- Your autopay request is complete!
Important: The approval process may take one to two billing cycles. Please continue to make manual payments until you receive confirmation that your request has been approved.
If SoFi is your servicer, you can set-up and or adjust autopay via your online profile at www.sofi.com.
To set up autopay with SoFi, please follow these simple steps:
- Log in to your SoFi account
- Click on View Account on your Loan Overview page
- Click Set Up on your Loan Summary page where it says Autopay Off if it has not already been set up
- Choose whether you want to make automatic minimum due payments with autopay or if you would like to pay an additional amount.
- Click Next
- Select a payment option and click Next
- Review and click Set Up Autopay