We sincerely apologize for any funding delay you may be experiencing. If you're contacting us because your application is in a 'Pending' status please bear with us as we conduct a thorough review of your information. In the meantime, please ensure no additional documents are required on your account.
If your funds were deposited using SoFi Money, you will have instant funding availability (up to $50,000)!
If your funds were deposited using an external bank account, your instant funding limit amount is available to trade instantly*.
Any funds above your instant funding limit will be available to trade 3 business days post deposit. Under ‘Pending Deposits’, you will be able to see the remaining requested funds preparing for deposit.
SoFi Website
SoFi App
(Please Note: All prior deposits must clear before funds will be available instantly on any subsequent deposits.)
*Eligibility requirements include:
- Your external bank account must be linked, verified, and approved through our instant verification process.
- Your external bank account must have a reported balance greater than or equal to your deposit.
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