You can file your dispute online if:
- You did not perform the transaction.
- The transaction has posted and is not still pending.
- You are disputing five (5) transactions or less.
- You are disputing transactions from within the last 92 calendar days.
- Please login to to start the dispute process. After you login, select your SoFi Checking and Savings account, and navigate to the 'Transactions' heading lower on the page. You can select the type of transaction to dispute from the 'Filter' and then ‘Transaction type’ dropdown.
Once you have chosen the type of transaction to dispute, you can then select the specific transaction by clicking on the down arrow located on the right-hand side of the screen.
The next step is to click ‘Report an issue’.
You’ll be prompted to select a topic for your disputed transaction on the ‘Report an issue’ screen.
If you do not see the option to dispute your posted transaction, please chat with one of our agents. Please note you will be prompted to log in. -
The ‘Transactions’ screen allows you to describe the issue you have with the transaction. As a reminder, if you state that a debit card transaction is fraudulent then we will deactivate the Checking and Savings debit card and number to prevent additional fraudulent activity. We will also order you a new card.
Please double-check that you have your current address on your profile by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the page and then ‘My Profile’. Your address can be changed under the "Personal Information" tab.
If you have any additional fraudulent charges they can be added on the next screen.
Additional fraudulent charges.
You can skip this section if there are no additional fraudulent charges.
We’ll ask you if you have your SoFi Checking and Savings debit card in your possession or if the card has been lost or stolen.
- Please let us know if you are the only one who has access to your SoFi Checking and Savings debit card and PIN.
If someone else does have access to your debit card or PIN, did you give them permission to use it and how are they related to you?
- Please tell us where you keep your PIN.
You can also share any additional notes or details that you feel are important. (Optional)
This screen gives you the opportunity to verify the transaction dispute information before you submit the dispute for review.
Your confirmation screen will be displayed after you submit your dispute and it has been submitted for review.
If you have additional questions or cannot complete your dispute online, you can chat with one of our agents. Please note you will be prompted to log in.