No, you can book travel with any SoFi Credit or Debit Card as well as your SoFi rewards points! If you do choose to book with the SoFi Credit Card, you’ll earn unlimited 3% cash back rewards.
These cash back rewards do not stack on top of other rewards associated with SoFi Credit Card or SoFi Plus. In other words, you’ll earn 3% cash back rewards back on SoFi Travel, and your standard SoFi Credit Card cash back rewards everywhere else. Learn more about SoFi Credit Card.
Did you know? If you maintain direct deposits to your SoFi Checking and Savings account, you can earn a 10% boost on your SoFi Credit Card purchases. That means you could get 3.3% cash back on all SoFi Travel bookings! Learn more here.
Note: Earn 10% Boost on SoFi Credit Card purchases for all credit card members that maintain a direct deposit in their SoFi checking and savings account. That's 3.3% cash back on all SoFi Travel Purchases!
For more information on SoFi's Boost Promotion, visit our SoFi Credit Card 10% Boost Promotion Page.