In the rare event that your financial institution or employer does not recognize our routing number, please provide them with the letter attached at the bottom of this article. This will provide them with the routing number and details on how to verify it, so they may update their systems on their end to allow for use of the routing number.
If you have any additional questions or concerns feel free to chat with us!
RE: VALID ROUTING NUMBER NOT RECOGNIZED BY YOUR COMPANY To whom it may concern: SoFi Bank, N.A.'s routing number is 031101334 which has remained active in the Fed Routing Tables since August 2019. We have received notice from our member that your company does not recognize this information; we encourage you to update your records so your customer and you can use this routing number.
The routing number can be verified via using the E-Payments Routing Directory.
This routing number can be used for any Fed ACH transaction and can be validated at using their E-Payments Routing Directory.
Social Finance, Inc
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